Staff group types

There are two types of groups in Breeio - Structure groups and Training groups.

Structure groups are created to mirror your organisation's HR structure and are likely to be categorised by division, job role, location, etc. Each person in your organisation will belong to only one group within each structure group category.

Training groups are more flexible and users can be in any number of training groups. For example, a staff member may be part of the 'Induction 2023 - Q1' and the 'Product A Knowledge' and 'Product C Knowledge' groups.

Finding information about your groups

Go to:

  • Admin
  • Users
  • Groups and Group categories

Group categories

You can see all your Structure groups in this area, you can also add and delete group categories here.


All your Groups are listed by Group category - you can search by a Group category. You will find any Training Groups you have set up in this area.

Making changes to Group categories and Groups

Caution is advised when administering Group categories and Groups as you will need to consider current and future assignments. Always refer to the help pages before making any changes.

Breeio version 9.1.3