Adding users in bulk

You can use the Batch Management facility on the Users screen to keep your user database in sync with your HR system or employee database.

1) Export your employee data in CSV format. You can edit this in Microsoft Excel.

2) Save the spreadsheet in CSV format:

  • In Excel, open the File menu and select 'Save As'
  • Select 'Save as type: CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)

3) Edit the file so it can be read by Breeio:

  • Add the first line to indicate the name of the columns - this row is mandatory and is not case-sensitive.
  • Organise the columns into three sets, in the order shown in the diagram below:

User data - Green region

It's mandatory to provide employee ID, last name, and first name

You might choose to add columns for - date joined, away until, line manager, and manager for.

Organisation structure groups - Blue region

The column headers need to match the names of the Group Categories you have set up on the system. If a Group Category on the CSV files is not recognised, Breeio will create a new Group Category.

The values in each column are the names of the Groups you have set up for the corresponding Group Category. If a Group name on the CSV file is not recognised, Breeio will create a new Group.

If a Group Category is not included in the CSV file, no changes will be made to Group allocations in this category.

Training Groups - red region

The column headers need to match the Training Groups you have set up on the system.

Use '1' to indicate that the user is part of the Training Group and '0' to indicate they are not part of the Group.

In the example above:

  • Michael is part of Training Group B
  • Irina is not part of any training group
  • Faye is a member of both Training Group A and B

If a Training Group is not recognised by Breeio, it will be created automatically.

If a Training Group is not included in the CSV file, no changes will be made to allocations to that Group.

If you are using passwords on the system, new users will be allocated the default password (e.g. 'training'). Users who have already changed their password will keep their personal password.

4) Select 'Upload new batch file' on the Bulk management screen.

5) Browse to the file and click on the 'submit' button.

6) Tick the relevant boxes:

  • Tick to turn off users not listed in the CSV - anyone not listed in the CSV will be made inactive. Training records will not be removed but these users will no longer be able to access the system.
  • Tick to immediately send login details and assignments to all added users - this will send out an email to each new user.

7) When you click on 'Submit' the user information will be uploaded and analysed. You will see a user-by-user analysis indicating:

  • If they are already in the system (In system)
  • If any change will be performed (Action - Add, Assign or Turn off)
  • If any user information will be updated (User Data Changes)
  • If group membership will be changed (Group Membership Changes)
  • What groups is the person being removed from
  • Any errors in the key user data
Breeio version 9.1.3