Use the ‘repeat pattern’ feature to change the sequence of modules

By default, the same modules will be presented to users every time a learner completes the course. However, you can use the ‘repeat pattern’ feature to change the sequence of modules that are presented to learners when the course is reassigned or renewed.

The feature looks at the history of the learner for that course and counts the number they have done previously in order to present the correct pattern for the position in the cycle the learner is at.

There are several different patterns to choose from.

  • Always – The module will be presented every time the course is assigned.

The above option can be used with any other pattern option.

  • 1st time only - module will only be presented the first time the course is assigned to learner – subsequent assignments/renewals of the course will not present this module to be completed.
  • 2nd time onwards – module will only be presented after the first completion – subsequent assignments/renewals will always present this module to be completed.
  • 3rd time onwards – module will only be presented after the first two completions – subsequent assignments/renewals will always present this module to be completed.

The above three pattern options should only be used together and/or with the ‘Always’ option.

Scenario: You have a course that has a full version module and a refresher version module. You want learners to complete the full version on the first cycle and the refresher version on subsequent cycles. You would create the course in this way:

Full version module – 1st time only

Refresher version module – 2nd time onwards

  • 2-step sequence ׀ first – module will be presented the first time the course is assigned. The next time the module will be presented will be on the third assignment/renewal.
  • 2-step sequence ׀ second – module will be presented the second time the course is assigned/renewed. The next time the module will be presented will be on the fourth assignment/renewal.

The above two pattern options should only be used together and/or with the ‘Always’ option.

Scenario: You have a course that has an Instructor-led module and an eLearning module. You want learners to complete the Instructor-led module every other year but are happy for them to complete the eLearning module in-between. You would create the course in this way:

Instructor-led module - 2-step sequence ׀ first

eLearning module – 2-step sequence ׀ second

Alternatively, you might want the learner to attend the Instructor-led module every time and the eLearning module every two years. You would create the course in this way:

Instructor-led module – Always

  • 3-step sequence ׀ step 1 – module will be presented the first time the course is assigned. The next time the module is presented, it will be on the fourth assignment/renewal.
  • 3-step sequence ׀ step 2 – module will be presented the second time the course is assigned. The next time the module is presented, it will be on the fifth assignment/renewal.
  • 3-step sequence ׀ step 3 – module will be presented the first time the course is assigned. The next time the module is presented, it will be on the sixth assignment/renewal.

The above three pattern options should only be used together and/or with the ‘Always’ option.

Scenario: You have a course that has an Instructor-led module, an eLearning module, and a Practical module (needs manager sign-off). You want learners to complete the Instructor-led module in year one, the eLearning module in year two, and in year three you want the manager to complete an observation sign-off. This pattern would then cycle around. You would create the course in this way:

Instructor-led module - 3-step sequence ׀ step 1

eLearning module – 3-step sequence ׀ step 2

Practical module - 3-step sequence ׀ step 3

You could also add a post-course survey and use the pattern ‘Always’ this would always present this module every time a learner completes the course.

  • 3-step sequence ׀ steps 1 and 2 – module will be presented the first and second time the course is assigned. The next time the module is presented, it will be on the fourth and fifth assignment/renewal.
  • 3-step sequence ׀ steps 2 and 3 – module will be presented the second and third time the course is assigned. The next time the module is presented, it will be on the fifth and sixth assignment/renewal.
  • 3-step sequence ׀ steps 1 and 3 – module will be presented the first and third time the course is assigned. The next time the module is presented, it will be on the fourth and sixth assignment/renewal.

The above three pattern options should only be used together and/or with the ‘Always’ option.

Scenario: You have a course with an eLearning module that you want the learner to complete every other year and a practical module (manager sign-off) that you don’t need to complete in the third year. This pattern would then cycle around. You would create the course in this way:

eLearning module – 3-step sequence ׀ steps 1 and 3

Practical module - 3-step sequence ׀ steps 1 and 2

Does the feature work if I have selected the option for the course to be completed in a specific order?

Yes, it does.

Scenario: You have a course and in year one you want learners to complete three modules in the specific order (module A, then module B and then module C). In year two you won’t need them to complete module B, module C will be unlocked when module A has been completed. On the next cycle you want them to complete all three modules again in the specific order. You would create the course in this way:

Select specific order.

Module A – Always

Module B - 2-step sequence ׀ first

Module C - Always

What happens when I re-set a course for a learner?

When you re-set a course, it will be reassigned to the learner if it is still required, the sequence that is reassigned to the learner will depend on if you select to remove associated completion logs or to leave the existing completion.

If you remove the associated completion the learner will be reassigned the module pattern in the sequence they have just completed.

If you leave the existing completion the learner will receive the next module pattern in the sequence.

Scenario: You have a course and in year one you want the learner to complete module A and in year two to complete module B and that cycle continues. You would create the course in this way:

Module A - 2-step sequence ׀ first

Module B – 2-step sequence ׀ second

If you reset the course completion after 18 months and choose:

  • to remove the associated log the learner will be presented with Module A on the reassignment and;
  • to leave the associated log the learner will be presented with Module B on the reassignment.

What happens if I change the repeat pattern for an existing course?

The system will check the number of completions the learner has completed and on the next assignment or renewal, the correct pattern will be presented to the learner.

If a learner is ‘In progress’ with a course, it will adjust accordingly unless:

  • The learner has already booked an event that was part of the course before you changed the repeat pattern. If the learner is no longer required to attend the event because that module is no longer required on the pattern they are currently on they will need to cancel their attendance. When they have done that, the event module will be removed from the course. If they don’t cancel and still attend the event this is fine, the module will be marked as completed (when the event attendance has been marked).
  • If the learner is ‘In progress’ on a module that is no longer required, it will keep this module on the course page and will require the learner to complete it for the course to be completed.
Breeio version 9.2